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Shark Theory

Dec 3, 2019

Maybe it's seasonal depression or perhaps you're in a rut but have you ever wondered how to get going when nothing is going right for you? We explore the answer to that question today.

In this episode, we'll cover:

  1. What we can learn from Marathon Dogs
  2. The importance of surrounding yourself with Winners
  3. The Success...

Nov 29, 2019

Black Friday often means early mornings, large crowds, and great deals.  But what if we applied the "Black Friday Mindset" to our current and future goals?

In this episode, we'll cover:

  1. The importance of knowing what you want
  2. How Game planning saves time
  3. "Doorbuster" your way to success
  4. Acknowledging Competition
  5. Why...

Nov 26, 2019

With only about 5 weeks left in the decade, many of us are faced with two options... limp into 2019 with toxicity in our lives or start over.  Starting over is often the choice that can get us to our goals quicker. As my good friend Jenna says, "sometimes you gotta run yourself into the ground in order to refocus."


Nov 22, 2019

Have you ever notice how those that tell you to "be realistic" are those who have given up in their own lives? Success requires a healthy level of delusion; the ability to see possibility and work to create it.

In this episode, we'll cover:

  1. Why "Realistic" is a Profanity of Success
  2. How to Develop a Healthy Level of...

Nov 5, 2019

We all love daylight savings time because of the "Extra" hour.  But if we don't maximize that hour, is it really a benefit? Today's episode explores how we should manage the "extra" in life.

In this episode, we'll cover:

  1. Why you should anticipate the "extra" in life
  2. How to Plan for the extras
  3. How to maximize, and...